
Showing posts from December, 2017

wifi attack with kali linux

Prerequisites Kali Linux Prior experience with wireless hacking You will also need to install a tool (bridge utils) which doesn't come pre-installed in Kali. No big deal- apt-get install bridge-utils Objectives The whole process can be broken down into the following steps- Finding out about the access point (AP) you want to imitate, and then actually imitating it (i.e. creating another access point with the same SSID and everything). We'll use airmon-ng for finding necessary info about the network, and  airbase-ng to create it's twin . Forcing the client to disconnect from the real AP and connecting to yours. We'll use aireplay-ng to deauthenticate the client, and strong signal strength to make it connect to our network. Making sure the client doesn't notice that he connected to a fake AP. That basically means that we have to provide internet access to our client after he has connected to the fake wireless network. For that we will need to have i...

best programming languages used in Artifical Intelligence

7. Haskell Haskell in strong static typing, non-strict programming language developed in 1990. Since there are not many Haskell developers, private companies are reluctant to try Haskell. One thing that Haskell is perfect at is abstraction (abstract mathematics, not like Java OOP). It allows expressive and efficient libraries express AI algorithms. For example, HLearn that uses well known algebraic structure (modules, monoids, etc.) to express and boost the speed of simple machine learning algorithms. Although, you can write these algorithms in any language, Haskell makes them more expressive than others, while maintaining decent performance. For instance,  faster cover trees  written in Haskell. Haskell supports embedded domain-specific languages, which is a famous area of programming language research, applicable to a large number of domains including artificial intelligence. Specifically, it is good host for probabilistic programming...

How to make a ransomware - HIDDEN TEAR

A Turkish security researcher named Utku Sen has posted a fully functional Ransomware code on open source code sharing website GitHub . The Ransomware dubbed Hidden Tear , uses AES Encryption to lock down files before displaying a ransom message warning to get users to pay up. The currently undetectable version of ransomware can be modified and implemented accordingly, as it contains every feature a cybercriminal can expect from modern malware. Sen describes his Ransomware as "a ransomware-like file crypter sample which can be modified for specific purposes." This means even script kiddies can now develop their own Ransomware to threaten people. The Hidden Tear — Free Ransomware Kit The " Hidden Tear " Ransomware package consists of four files namely: Hidden-Tear-Decrypter Hidden-Tear .gitignore Hidden Tear Ransomware is capable of : Using AES algorithm to encrypt files Sending encryption key to a server Encrypting files...