If else statements

In Python you can define conditional statements, known as if-statements.
A block of code is executed if certain conditions are met.

If statements

Consider this application, it executes either the first or second code depending on the value of x.
x = 3
if x < 10:
   print("x smaller than 10")
   print("x is bigger than 10 or equal")
If you set x to be larger than 10, it will execute the second code block.   We use indentation (4 spaces) to define the blocks.
A little game:
A variable may not always be defined by the user, consider this little game:
age = 24
print "Guess my age, you have 1 chances!"
guess = int(raw_input("Guess: "))
if guess != age:

Conditional operators

A word on conditional operators
!=not equal
>greater than
<smaller than
Do not confuse the assignment operator (=) with the equals operator (==).


The most straightforward way to do multiple conditions is nesting:
a = 12 
b = 33
if a > 10:
    if b > 20:
This can quickly become difficult to read, consider combining 4 or 6 conditions.  Luckily Python has a solution for this, we can combine conditions using the andkeyword.
guess = 24
if guess > 10 and guess < 20:
    print("In range")
    print("Out of range")
Sometimes you may want to use the or operator.


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