lists in python

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Lists is a sequence and a basic data structure.   A list may contain strings (text) and numbers.  A list is similar to an array in other programming languages, but has additional functionality.

We define lists with brackets []. To access the data, these same brackets are used.
for Example:

l = [ "Drake", "Derp", "Derek", "Dominique" ]
print(l)     # prints all elements
print(l[0])  # print first element
print(l[1])  # prints second element


We can use the functions append() and remove() to manipulate the list.
l = [ "Drake", "Derp", "Derek", "Dominique" ]
print(l)                # prints all elements
l.append("Victoria")   # add element.
print(l)                # print all elements
l.remove("Derp")       # remove element.
l.remove("Drake")      # remove element.
print(l)               # print all elements.

Sort list

We can sort the list using the sort() function.
l = [ "Drake", "Derp", "Derek", "Dominique" ]
print(l)     # prints all elements
l.sort()    # sorts the list in alphabetical order
print(l)     # prints all elements
If you want to have the list in descending order, simply use the reverse() function.
l = [ "Drake", "Derp", "Derek", "Dominique" ]
print(l)     # prints all elements
l.sort()    # sorts the list in alphabetical order
l.reverse() # reverse order.
print(l)     # prints all elements


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