Create A Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows!

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?

  • Go to Start and then Click on Run
  • Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).
  • Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can’t make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:
  • Type D: or E: and hit enter
  • Type md con and hit enter (md – make directory)
  • You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
  • Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.
  • Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.

How To Delete That Folder ?

  1. It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter
  4. Type rd con (rd – remove directory)
  5. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed.


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