Technology always evolves. What are classes and where do they come from? 1. Statements: In the very early days of computing, programmers wrote only commands. 2. Functions: Reusable group of statements, helped to structure that code and it improved readability. 3. Classes: Classes are used to create objects which have functions and variables. Strings are examples of objects: A string book has the functions book.replace() and book.lowercase(). This style is often called object oriented programming.
Lets take a dive!
Python class
We can create virtual objects in Python. A virtual object can contain variables and methods. A program may have many different types and are created from a class. Example:
class User:
name =""def__init__(self, name): name
def sayHello(self):
print ("Hello, my name is " + create virtual objects
james = User("James")
david = User("David")
eric = User("Eric")# call methods owned by virtual objects
Run this program. In this code we have 3 virtual objects: james, david and eric. Each object is instance of the User class.
In this class we defined the sayHello() method, which is why we can call it for each of the objects. The __init__() method is called the constructor and is always called when creating an object. The variables owned by the class is in this case “name”. These variables are sometimes called class attributes.
We can create methods in classes which update the internal variables of the object. This may sound vague but I will demonstrate with an example.
Class variables
We define a class CoffeeMachine of which the virtual objects hold the amount of beans and amount of water. Both are defined as a number (integer). We may then define methods that add or remove beans.
Run this program. The top of the code defines the class as we described. The code below is where we create virtual objects. In this example we have exactly one object called “pythonBean”. We then call methods which change the internal variables, this is possible because we defined those methods inside the class. Output: Name = Python Bean Beans =83 Water =20
In an object oriented python program, you can restrict access to methods and variables. This can prevent the data from being modified by accident and is known as encapsulation. Let’s start with an example.
Private methods
encapsulation. Restricted accesss to methods or variablesWe create a class Car which has two methods: drive() and updateSoftware(). When a car object is created, it will call the private methods __updateSoftware(). This function cannot be called on the object directly, only from within the class.
class Car:
self.__updateSoftware()def drive(self):
print ('driving')def __updateSoftware(self):
print ('updating software')
redcar = Car() not accesible from object.
This program will output:
updating software
Encapsulation prevents from accessing accidentally, but not intentionally.
The private attributes and methods are not really hidden, they’re renamed adding “_Car” in the beginning of their name.
The method can actually be called using redcar._Car__updateSoftware()
Private variables
Class with private variablesVariables can be private which can be useful on many occasions. A private variable can only be changed within a class method and not outside of the class.
Objects can hold crucial data for your application and you do not want that data to be changeable from anywhere in the code. An example: #!/usr/bin/env python
redcar = Car() redcar.__maxspeed =10# will not change variable because its private If you want to change the value of a private variable, a setter method is used. This is simply a method that sets the value of a private variable.
Why would you create them? Because some of the private values you may want to change after creation of the object while others may not need to be changed at all.
Python Encapsulation
To summarize, in Python there are:
public methods
Accessible from anywhere
private methods
Accessible only in their own class. starts with two underscores
public variables
Accessible from anywhere
private variables
Accesible only in their own class or by a method if defined. starts with two underscores
Other programming languages have protected class methods too, but Python does not.
Encapsulation gives you more control over the degree of coupling in your code, it allows a class to change its implementation without affecting other parts of the code
Method overloading example
We create a class with one method sayHello(). The first parameter of this method is set to None, this gives us the option to call it with or without a parameter.
An object is created based on the class, and we call its method using zero and one parameter.
#!/usr/bin/env python
class Human:
def sayHello(self, name=None):
if name isnotNone: print'Hello ' + name else: print'Hello '
# Create instance obj = Human()
# Call the method obj.sayHello()
# Call the method with a parameter obj.sayHello('Guido') Output:
Hello Guido
To clarify method overloading, we can now call the method sayHello() in two ways:
We created a method that can be called with fewer arguments than it is defined to allow.
We are not limited to two variables, your method could have more variables which are optional.
Classes can inherit functionality of other classes. If an object is created using a class that inherits from a superclass, the object will contain the methods of both the class and the superclass. The same holds true for variables of both the superclass and the class that inherits from the super class.
Python supports inheritance from multiple classes, unlike other popular programming languages.
We define a basic class named User:
class User:
name =""def__init__(self, name): name
def printName(self):
print ("Name = " +
brian = User("brian")
This creates one instance called brian which outputs its given name. We create another class called Programmer.
class Programmer(User):
def__init__(self, name): name
def doPython(self):
print ("Programming Python")
This looks very much like a standard class except than User is given in the parameters
This means all functionality of the class User is accessible in the Programmer class.
Inheritance example
Full example of Python inheritance:
class User:
name =""def__init__(self, name): name
def printName(self):
print ("Name = " + Programmer(User):
def__init__(self, name): name
def doPython(self):
print ("Programming Python")
brian = User("brian")
diana = Programmer("Diana")
The output:
Name = brian
Name = Diana
Programming Python
Brian is an instance of User and can only access the method printName. Diana is an instance of Programmer, a class with inheritance from User, and can access both the methods in Programmer and User
An inner class or nested class is a defined entirely within the body of another class. If an object is created using a class, the object inside the root class can be used. A class can have more than one inner classes, but in general inner classes are avoided.
Inner class example
We create a class (Human) with one inner class (Head). An instance is created that calls a method in the inner class:
In the program above we have the inner class Head() which has its own method. An inner class can have both methods and variables. In this example the constructor of the class Human (__init__) creates a new head object.
Multiple inner classes
You are by no means limited to the number of inner classes, for example this code will work too:
By using inner classes you can make your code even more object orientated. A single object can hold several sub objects. We can use them to add more structure to our programs.
Prerequisites Kali Linux Prior experience with wireless hacking You will also need to install a tool (bridge utils) which doesn't come pre-installed in Kali. No big deal- apt-get install bridge-utils Objectives The whole process can be broken down into the following steps- Finding out about the access point (AP) you want to imitate, and then actually imitating it (i.e. creating another access point with the same SSID and everything). We'll use airmon-ng for finding necessary info about the network, and airbase-ng to create it's twin . Forcing the client to disconnect from the real AP and connecting to yours. We'll use aireplay-ng to deauthenticate the client, and strong signal strength to make it connect to our network. Making sure the client doesn't notice that he connected to a fake AP. That basically means that we have to provide internet access to our client after he has connected to the fake wireless network. For that we will need to have i...
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